Earthen Vessels

April 12, 2020

God often speaks of His people in scripture through natural analogy. The image of the potter and the clay is powerful.

Yet, LORD, you are our father; we are the clay and you our potter; we are all the work of your hand.

Isaiah 64:8

In the hands of the master, clay is chosen, shaped and molded. Each piece is skillfully turned from formless muck into a beautiful work of art, with both form and function perfectly planned and designed. The Master glazes His work and strengthens it in the fire of His kiln. He creates lovingly and wonderfully, and He enjoys His creation.

Being Clay

In the second letter to the Corinthians, Paul speaks about the treasure of the light of Christ and the power of the knowledge of the gospel. It is a treasure that every christian bears within.

But we hold this treasure in earthen vessels, that the surpassing power may be of God and not from us.

2 Corinthians 4:7

No matter how great the power within us, we are still just clay. Still, at our very greatest, we are only works of art in the Master’s hands. Our finite lives are fragile and easily shattered.

The beauty of being clay is that you have to trust the potter. And what a wonderful potter He is, and how worthy of our trust! He is good and kind and merciful. And He has a plan and purpose for each of His works of art, both for His glory and for our good.

Filling Our Earthen Vessels

I want to be an earthen vessel that bears Jesus to the world. I want to know Him and be filled to overflowing with His presence. In my time studying the word, nothing has been more powerful to fill my life abundantly as writing scripture in my own hand.

Therefore, take these words of mine into your heart and soul. Bind them on your arm as a sign, and let them be as a pendant on your forehead.

Deuteronomy 11:18

My First Scripture Writing Series

Join me in writing the scriptures. The image link is my current scripture writing series. For this first one, I chose scriptures that remind us to focus on God’s goodness, His faithfulness, and His worthiness of trust, hope, praise, glory, and love.

This Easter, let us not focus on the scary, changeable world around us. Instead, let us fix our eyes on Jesus. Christ has Risen!

By melodyruth

Melody is a Catholic wife, mother, and writer. She has a BA in Theatre Arts and Creative Writing. She has a deep love of the living Word, Jesus. Melody desires to share her love of Christ with her writing and to help to bridge the gap between God's protestant and catholic children. She lives in Northern California with her three rowdy boys 6 and under and her best friend and husband, John Paul.