April 12, 2020


What’s in a name

I’ve always been a Melody. I think my dad probably chose my name before he even met my mom. Music is in our blood. When I was two, I would...

Sing to Him a New Song

Join me as I step out onto unknown shores. Like Jonah, I have finally stopped running and turned towards this new path placed before me.The last few months have been incredible. I feel uncertain and excited and a little scared. Join me as I step out into this new phase of my writing career.

Earthen Vessels

God often speaks of His people in scripture through natural analogy. The image of the potter and the clay is powerful. Yet, LORD, you are our father; we are the...

At the feet of Boaz

I grew up in a protestant church under the denomination of the Church of Christ. It was a wonderful church, and I was given a biblical and spiritual education that...

Daily Bread, Catholic, Lectionary, Readings, bible, scripture, today, faith, Jesus, God, Father, Holy Spirit, encouragement, bible study, Reading 1, Gospel Reading, Responsorial Psalm,

Daily Bread

Welcome to the Daily Bread readings. These posts are the daily lectionary readings from the USCCB. During this pandemic time, we can search these daily words for the hope and promises of Jesus.